"Smile Girl"

I've had a few days to digest our latest doctor's appointment.  Luckily, I haven't been googling every new diagnosis, or reading too much into everything we learned, because honestly, we didn't get any bad news!

Our latest appointment with our High Risk Doctor was probably the best appointment we've had since we started to learn of any negative conditions pertaining to this pregnancy.  As most do, our appointment started with an ultrasound.  Our tech was so bubbly and sweet.  Both boys were moving around like crazy and she kept commenting on how active they were!  We saw Baby Wright suck his thumb and Baby Brendan take a practice breath!  Baby Brendan's fluid is still low but that was to be expected.  He had a full stomach and bladder though so we know he's still making fluid!  Baby Wright's fluid looked great and he was doing acrobatics!  She did a blood flow test and took some more scans (I can never hardly tell what they are looking at, but I'm getting better).  She left without telling us too much so we waited a while for the doctor to come in.

I let my mind get the best of me when it takes the doctor a while to come in after an ultrasound.  I know I am one of many patients there but I also know that he has to read the ultrasound images before he speaks to me.  We didn't wait a short time to see him this visit, so I was a little concerned that he had too much to review or critique.

After what felt like forever he walked in and looked at me and said "smile girl".  I must've had a deer in the headlights look on my face.  I obliged and the next thing he said was "when are we moving in"?  Does that mean we need to move in soon?  I couldn't decide what that meant.  We told him we had discussed 24 weeks/October 10th with our regular OB and he agreed that to be a good goal.  He, like my OB said, that 23 weeks was still to early, although they would deliver, that 24 weeks is a much bigger milestone!  We discussed a little bit about what hospital life would be and what my limitations would be and then he asked if we had any questions.  My first questions was "How are the babies"?????!!  He told us that the blood flows looked great!  I was shocked.  I knew that we had unofficial blood flow tests done earlier in the week but to get a confirmation was such a relief.  We didn't do growth measurements because it was too close to our latest growth scan but he said that outside of that, everything looks good.  Fluid is still low, but there is fluid so that's good.  He doesn't love that I'm still bleeding, but there's nothing we can do about that.  So follow up with my regular OB on October 2nd, and then I'll see him for an appointment on October 10th and I'll be admitted directly after my appointment.

We will do growth scans and get a new baseline on the 10th.  I'll meet with a neonatologist and an anesthesiologists so that we are all on the same page.  I'll start my first dose of steroids and possibly magnesium.  The plan, like it has been, is to reach goals.  Starting with "don't get an infection".  Got it.  I'm doing my best.  Second, make it to 23 weeks (3 more days!!!!!).  Third, make it to 24, then every day after is a victory.  Every day before is a victory.  Let's get them to 28 weeks, let's get them to 30, 32, and 34!

Your prayers are working!  God is so good!  Thank you so much for all of your prayers and support!  We are forever indebted to you!

Baby Brendan and Baby Wright, keep growing. We're all fighting along with you!


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