Covered in Prayer

September 11, 2019

I wake up on this morning thinking maybe I had another leaking episode.  I kind of brush it off and go about my day.  I’ve got to get Mabel to school on time.  No time to lose.  After I drop Mabel off I am headed to run some errands and a gush happens.  What the heck, I thought I was done with these. Needless to say it was enough to alarm me but it was exactly what happened the previous Monday so I wasn’t worried.  A few hours later at lunch, it happens again. Gotta get moving, I have to go pick up Mabel from school, I’ll have to deal with this after pickup.  Luckily, Mabel, per usual wants to ride home with Kathryn, so I tell her I’m going to run home and clean up.  On my way home, it happens again.  By this time I’m a little more concerned but not freaking out.  I text my doctor and he tells me to come in just so he can see me before the weekend.  Thankfully Mabel is taken care of, so I rush up to my doctor’s office.

Per usual, we start with an ultrasound.  Babies are looking good. Strong heartbeats and everyone is kicking and moving.  She goes to check for fluid.  Baby A (“Wright”) has plenty of fluid, Baby B (“Brendan”) is another story.  She’s having a hard time finding any fluid.  Sheer panic washes over me.

They usher me into a room to wait for my doctor.  I realize at this moment that my shirt is covered in blood... after my ultrasound I had disrupted my injection site from my Lovenox shot and blood was going everywhere.  It’s really not my day.  The nurse comes in to check my vitals.  I’m a nervous wreck.  She’s trying to check my blood pressure and I can’t stop moving so it’s not getting a reading. Finally I settle down and she gets all of my vitals and says the doctor will be right in after he finishes reading my scans.

He comes in with not my favorite expression.  I don’t think he wanted to tell me the news just as bad as I didn’t want to hear it.  He lays it out for me in the most sincere way possible.  The bottom line is,   Baby B’s amniotic sac has ruptured.  This is really bad timing.  I’m 19 weeks 6 days.  Babies aren’t viable.  They won’t even admit me in Pensacola yet.  They don’t admit until 23 weeks.  I am scared to death.  I am all by myself.  I thought I was coming here for him to tell me I was still having some mystery leaking and all was well.  Oh how wrong I was, but oh how glad I am that I went in.

So here is where I am now.  Currently I am admitted at Sacred Heart in Miramar Beach.  I have been on IV antibiotics to stave off any impending infection.  If I get an infection they will have to induce me so they won’t lose all three of us due to sepsis.  I will stay on these IV antibiotics until Friday night then I will be released home to be on oral antibiotics for 5 days.  There are a couple of short term goals to reach.  One, pray these antibiotics do their job so I don’t get an infection so I can keep these babies growing.  Two, pray I make it to 23 weeks (October 3) so I can be admitted at Sacred Heart in Pensacola.  At that point, if they need to or if I spontaneously go into labor I have technically made it to a more viable point where they will resuscitate the babies and keep them in the NICU.  If I don’t make it to 23 weeks the babies prognosis is dim.  If I do, it’s a waiting game.  I could be in Pensacola for up to 12 weeks.  When I say I could be there, I mean admitted and in the hospital until then.  That sounds very overwhelming but I am praying more than ever that is the case.  I am having a hard time imagining being away from my daughter, husband, family and home for that long but if that’s what it takes, I am willing and ready.

My biggest ask to anyone reading this is for you to pray.  Pray for my babies.  Cover us in prayer.  I’ve already surrendered this to God and I am taking any extra prayer I can get.  That is all I can do.  There is nothing else I or anyone else can do.  This is now a process I am going to have to take hour by hour and day by day.  Every day I make it without infection and without going into labor is a day we can say brings me closer to meeting my sweet boys.

I cannot thank all of the doctors and nurses at Sacred Heart for all they have done for me up to this point and all they are willing to do for me in the future.  They have been a huge support and I feel so blessed to have them on my side.  For all of my family and friends that are continuing to cover us in prayer, you cannot know how much it means to me.  As I race in and out of tears and anger for what is happening to me, your prayers give me strength.

Thank you for following us up to this point.  I hope and pray we can all stay together in this and you can be a part of my journey in which I deliver healthy twin boys!

Dear Lord,

Thank you for this beautiful life.  Thank you for my family, my friends and all of the wonderful doctors and nurses taking care of us.  I know you are getting many prayers and for them I am forever grateful.  Lord, my body is yours.  I am carrying your children.  I ask that you protect them and that you give my body the strength to carry them to term.  Help their little lungs develop. Help my body repair and please let all measures my doctors are taking be beneficial to the health of Baby Wright and Baby Brendan.  I’m taking all I have and I’m laying it at your feet.  Get us to 23 weeks.  I know I can do this with your strength, but I also know I cannot do it without you.  I know you’ll walk by my side day by day.

In Jesus’ Name I Pray,


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