Size Discrepancies

September 4th, 2019

I’ve been feeling good and I am very hopeful that my previa has moved up and out of the way.  Maybe I can start at least walking again!  We go in for my ultrasound and the babies are kicking and moving with strong heartbeats. This was the first ultrasound I had where they checked the babies size by more than just their crown to rump length.  They measured their heads, femur lengths and a couple of other measurements.  They move so fast I couldn’t keep up.  I can still see the clot on the screen but know I am going to have to wait to talk to the Doctor about that.  

My doctor comes in and tells me the good news:  No more previa!  Yay!!!!  I can do light exercise!  Starting out with some walking, if that goes well I can even introduce spinning. I am overjoyed!  Still on pelvic rest which is a bummer but I’ll take the exercise!

There is a little bit of concerning news for me but my doctor tells me he’s not worried.  Baby B is measuring about 6 days behind.  I was 18w6d at my appointment and he was measuring right at 18w. He’s in the 4th Percentile.  Baby A on the other hand is measuring at 20w2d.  He’s in the 99th Percentile.  This difference in size isn’t my favorite news but my doctor assures me there’s nothing glaring that he’s concerned about.  Baby B has less fluid than Baby A but that correlates with his size.  Due to this discrepancy in size we move up my timeline to see a MFM (Maternal Fetal Medicine/High Risk Doctor).  All in all a good appointment!  Time to get walking!!


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