18 Eggs!!!!!

I was told in the days leading up to my Egg Retrieval that my numbers looked great!  11 follicles on the right ovary and 9 on the left ovary.  20 possibilities!  We were so excited.  The administration of the shots and the scheduling was a little nerve wracking (I hate needles) but I got through it and it truly wasn't that bad.

April 1st, 2019.  On the day of the retrieval I woke up to find we had 18 Eggs!
It was time to start praying.  I knew in the next 5 days I would be told how many were mature, fertilized, day 1, day 3 and day 5 embryos.

24 hours after my retrieval I was told out of the 18 retrieved, only 13 were mature and 11 fertilized.  It knocked the wind out of me but 11, I could be positive about 11!

Day 3, there were 7.  I was still holding onto hope!

Day 5, there were 4!  FOUR!! I CAN HANDLE 4!!  

Then I got the call... while we were taking our daughter to her first trip to Disney World.  "After we tried to biopsy your eggs we found that one of them was a Blighted Ovum, one was too poor of quality to test so we were only able to biopsy two".  Trying to hide your tears of frustration in front of your little girl at Disney World is not the best case scenario.  We pushed forward.

So 2 "maybes" depending on testing and 1 "probably never going to make it".  I'm deflated but I'm not giving up.  Let's just wait to see what happens with the testing!

After what felt like a decade, my test results finally came back. Yay!!......
I had a doctor's appointment already that day for a routine ultrasound to see how my ovaries were suppressing so I went by myself thinking this was going to be pretty standard.  

When they called me back, they said the doctor wants to talk to you.  Umm okay....  
He told me that my results were "inconclusive".  WHAT?  I didn't even know that was an option.  I thought they were going to call me and say "they're bad" or "they're good".  Apparently the sample taken from my eggs didn't have any genetic material in it so the DNA couldn't replicate to give a result.  I was devastated. What now?  My doctor gave me three options.  

Option 1:  Start Over (this felt like a punch in the stomach)
Option 2:  Biopsy them again.  (This is risky because some eggs don't survive a second biopsy)
Option 3:  Implant all three eggs and just hope one sticks and is of good genetic make-up.

I didn't even consider Option 1 or 2.  I said Option 3 and he was on board. My husband wasn't there to consult with me but obviously my doctor told me to ask him before we agreed to transfer 3.  Brendan was on board so I called and told them we were ready!  We were going to transfer THREE.


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